Aeroengine Design Application

A software application, under the name AeroEngineS, for the automation of the design process of an aeroengine, is currently under development. Modules of this application include:
  • Calculation of the aeroengine's performance at its design point.
  • Calculation of aircraft emissions.
  • Generation of compressor maps.
  • Cal...

Boundary Layer Ingestion Intakes

Boundary Layer Ingestion Intakes

Designing aeroengines based on Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) shows promising potential for both increased engine efficiency and reduced aircraft drag, thus significantly decreasing fuel consumption. However, the peculiarities of the boundary layer flow (significant distortion and swirl) introduce a challenge to the design of the aeroengine components (fans etc.). Thus, an intake design optimized to straighten the swirling flow is an important additio...




Research on the modelling of intraventricular hemodynamics based on 3D echocardiography is conducted. The main objectives studied are:
  • Acquisition and processing of medical data.
  • Geometrical reconstruction and hemodynamic model of the heart.
  • Development of a medical assistance platform as a diagnostic tool.
  • Heart function monitoring.



Biomimetics is an upcoming trend amongst aerodynamic designers, motivating several investigations into unusual aircraft body and wing shapes. These studies get their inspiration from shapes and mechanisms found in nature and try to improve the aerodynamic behavior of an aircraft.

For example, tubercles, small bumps found on the flipper of the humpback whale, help control the flow over a wing at high angles of attack.


Hybrid Engines

Hybrid Engines

Electrification can arguably help ameliorate the overall performance as the biggest advantage of  Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems (HEPS) is the fact that the engine operates close to its design point to produce the required thrust and maintain all the secondary systems running, well below their maximum power setting. Hence, and apart from extending the life of the engine, the rotational speed of the shaft decreases, and overall pressure g...


Blended Wing Bodies

Blended Wing Bodies

BWB1   Blended Wing Body (BWB) is a non-conventional aircraft concept that was initially proposed on earlier flying wing design...