DELAER-RX3 Objective and goals The main goal of the DELAER research project objective is the design, development, manufacturing and flight testing of a prototype Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System (UAS), which will provide direct support to Greek isolated territories and islands, via aerial delivery of lifesaving supplies and dedicated equipment. The system will be based on a large-scale, autonomous, fixed-wing, novel Blended Wing Body (BWB) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) configuration, as […]
Multirole Portable UAS The Multirole Portable UAS (MPU) is a three year project to develop and manufacture an innovative robotic Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) for multiple purposes. The project consists of a multi-purpose hybrid Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV), and a portable ground station (PGS). It can provide its services in missions of mapping, photogrammetry, search […]
ADVENTUS ADVENTUS: Advanced Small Wind Turbines The ADVENTUS project is implemented under the framework of the «Greece-Germany R&T Bilateral Collaboration» Action, which is co-funded by EPAnEK (European Regional Development Fund, European Union) and national funds, through the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (CSRI). The project is implemented through the cooperation between the research entities: […]
EURRICA The main goal of the EURRICA project is the synergetic evaluation of disruptive technologies on a novel Blended-Wing-Body medium-sized, fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) platform. The BWB layout is selected as the base platform, due to reasons related primarily to its great aerodynamic efficiency and large internal volume. The research activities will focus on […]
DROMEAS Description: Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C- ITS) are advanced information and telecommunication technologies for road transport. C- ITS improve the passenger and freight mobility offering services of traffic management, road user information, traffic congestion and accident detection; allowing a safer, more efficient and coordinated use of the road network, decreasing in parallel the fuel […]
PUMP-HEAT The PUMP-HEAT (Performance Untapped Modulation for Power and Heat via Energy Accumulation Technologies), under the EU HORIZON 2020 Framework, focuses on the management of rejected heat from thermal power plants. The main objectives of the project are: The development of an integrated and flexibility oriented Combined Cycle Balance of Plant concept. The development of […]